Frozen Seafood: Tips for Finding a Supplier

If you love seafood, finding high-quality is essential. A good food supplier of the freshiest taste frozen seafood will have a track record of pleased clients. They will also offer a variety of seafood products at reasonable prices.

Seafood that is frozen immediately after harvest preserves taste, nutrients and moisture. It is a far better option than fresh seafood labelled “fresh” at the supermarket counter that has been thawed multiple times.

Choose a reputable supplier.

frozen seafoodThe freshness of seafood is an essential factor for any restaurant. It is why food buyers want to choose a supplier that can deliver the best products. It includes the quality of seafood and other ingredients used in recipes. A quality supplier will be able to provide a wide selection and good prices. Moreover, they will be able to answer any questions that you may have about their products.

It’s important to find a supplier that prioritizes sustainability and uses ethical fishing methods. Many suppliers offer detailed records of where and when their seafood was caught. You can also check if they follow environmentally friendly packaging standards.

You can also look for a seafood supplier with high customer satisfaction rates. It can be done by asking for recommendations from other restaurants. Alternatively, you can look for reviews and testimonials on their website. It’s also a good idea to find out whether the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you’re not satisfied with their products.

Read the label

Most seafood sold “fresh” in supermarkets has been frozen prior to being stocked on the shelf. It is because fresh seafood degrades very quickly, and preserving it in a freezer allows it to last much longer than would be possible otherwise. Moreover, the rapid freezing method (known as flash freezing) ensures that the taste and texture of seafood are preserved.

Frozen seafood has gained a bad reputation over the years due to poor storage and shipping methods that resulted in mushy, dry, or bland fish. However, advances in flash-freezing technology have enabled the quality of frozen seafood to rival that of fresh fish.

When choosing the freshiest taste frozen seafood supplier, be sure to read the label carefully and check for signs of freezer burn or ice crystals on the packaging. Good quality frozen seafood will look clean and unblemished, with a natural colour that’s uniform and not frosty.

Check the packaging

For seafood lovers, freshness is the name of the game. But in some cases, “fresh” could actually mean the fish has been frozen.

That is especially true when buying seafood in the supermarket. It’s no secret that many seafood products on display are not as fresh as they seem – even at the fresh seafood counter. It is a result of poor freezing, storage and handling techniques, which often produce low-quality, mushy seafood that’s not worth the price tag or effort to get to your kitchen.

When choosing a supplier, look for high-quality packaging that is well-sealed and undamaged. Check for freezer burn, ice crystals and discolouration. The inner plastic lining should be clean and thick. Vacuum-sealed bags, such as those used by the likes of the FoodSaver brand, are a good choice for home freezing and can increase the shelf life of seafood considerably.

Advances in flash-freezing technology have made it possible to preserve the taste and nutritional value of seafood, even after it’s been caught. Seafood that’s been blast frozen right after it’s harvested kills germs, prevents deterioration and keeps it safe for transporting to your doorstep or the restaurant.

Test the fish

Most seafood on display in a supermarket’s fresh case is actually frozen, even if it says “fresh.” In fact, some of it may have been frozen several times before ending up in the store. It is due to the time-sensitive nature of delivering fresh fish, which requires it to be shipped or flown, which creates huge carbon footprints.

The good news is that flash-freezing seafood right after it’s caught kills germs, preserves texture and nutritional value, and ensures consistent quality during transport. It means that, in many cases, frozen seafood can actually taste better than what’s on offer in the fresh seafood case at a grocery store.

In a double-masked taste test, researchers at Oregon State University found that consumers preferred the taste of seafood that had been rapidly frozen and then thawed right before cooking over seafood purchased “fresh” from the fish counters in their grocery stores. Moreover, they found that consumers could not tell the difference between fresh and frozen seafood that had been cooked and prepared in the same way.

To help you select the freshiest taste frozen seafood, look for packages with no signs of freezer burn, such as spots and ice crystals. Also, avoid any seafood that looks mushy or has lost its shape. For shellfish, tap them to see if the shells close. If they are alive, you should also be able to see some movement in the legs of crabs and lobsters.